Why People Love to Travel

Info Sep 5, 2021

Travel is basically the transfer of individuals between different, remote geographical locations. There are many ways to travel: by air, sea, land, bicycle, car, train, plane, boat or any other mode and can either be one-way or round trip. When you travel by rail, there are usually a connecting train and a vehicle to take you to your destination. Boats can take passengers to foreign (or at least foreign-occupied) waters or other bodies of water. The only limitation to travel is that you cannot get lost.

Most of us have to travel quite frequently, from work, school, attending events, visiting friends etc. And in most of these different types of travel we have either one or two destinations in a given area, so that it is not possible to visit every possible place within a reasonable period of time. For example: if you want to go to Portugal for a week, you need to be able to arrange your accommodation, travel, car hire etc. before hand.

One of the reasons why people love to travel is that they get to meet new people. This is another reason why people love to travel: they get to meet new people. For example: a group of American tourists who had been touring Great Britain for four days ended up staying in a farmhouse in the countryside for the weekend and met several interesting British people. That is why people love to travel: it is a chance to meet new people.