The popularity of online poker has increased significantly over the last several years, especially among those who are unable to attend traditional poker events. The game is played through the internet and has contributed to a huge increase in players worldwide. In addition to being popular, online poker offers players the opportunity to compete with other people in the same city or country. Whether you play for real money or just for fun, you can be sure that online poker is a great choice for beginners or experienced players.
While most states have passed laws that prohibit online poker sites that use a sweepstakes model, most of these sites operate illegally. One such example is Global Poker, which uses two virtual currencies to reward players. Players can purchase Gold Coins or Silver Coins that have no cash value. These two virtual currencies are used to pay for tournament entries, as well as for other purposes. However, they do not necessarily have to be used to play games.
In the U.S., the FBI shut down the largest poker sites in April 2011 after detecting rule violations. This forced companies to cease operations in the country and players struggled to receive their account refunds. Fortunately, legal regulated online poker started arriving in the U.S. in 2013 and individual states have begun to regulate the sites within their jurisdiction. While it may be difficult to play poker against a bot, it is still possible to make good money.