There are several basic rules for playing Poker. A player is given a number of chips, usually called poker chips. These chips may be white, red, or blue. Each chip has a value; the white chip is the lowest and worth five cents. A red chip is worth ten or twenty cents, while a blue chip is worth two, four, or five cents. In addition to chips, players also “buy in,” or put money into the pot.
One of the most popular poker games is texas hold’em. The number of players required is two or nine, depending on the type of game. Each player has two or five kartu. The winning hand is the one in which all pemains have a combined set of kartu that is deemed to be tertinggi. This is usually a straight flush or a royal flush. A king or queen hand is also considered a tertinggi hand, and this is a hand with a high pair or a low pair.
The limit on each player’s bets varies between games. A typical limit is two chips, while a more realistic limit may be five. The amount of chips a player can bet depends on the stage of the game. A player may be allowed to bet two chips before the draw and ten chips after the draw. Players often have five or ten chips available at any given time, and a pair is worth ten.