Examples of News in a Sentence

Info Sep 7, 2021

Examples of news in a sentence Here are some examples of news that would be posted on a health news website: The health care industry faced a serious crisis this week with at least three senior officials from the American Medical Association being fired. This news release contains details of the firings. Other examples of news in a sentence Health news consists of news that has to do with: terrorist activity, natural disasters, the economy, immigration and national security. News sources such as the Associated Press and USA Today compile news stories that are related to health, such as a diagnosis of cancer or a new drug that has been approved for treating a disease.

Another example of news in a sentence A group of Chinese scientists have announced a cure for cancer. The research is in the very early stages but this is newsworthy, according to the example source. Another example of news in a sentence According to the website, the National Institutes of Health held a teleconference regarding the research. This news story contains further information regarding the teleconference. Other examples of news in sentences When news agencies release a piece of news related to a natural disaster, it is called wildfire news.

Some examples of news in sentences These examples of news from the online media provide examples of what types of news items are posted on the website. News items about breaking news, sports events, political figures and local weather are just some of the types of news items that appear on the websites. Each type of news provides different perspectives and offers a different point of view, and the type of news that appears on the website is relevant to the subject matter at hand.