Food is any material consumed to supply nutrition to the organisms. Generally food is of animal, plant or fungal source, and comprises necessary nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, or minerals, which are required for normal body functioning. It includes all living organisms existing in nature with a mouth to absorb food. All living foods contain protein, which provides energy to the cells of the body, blood, organs or muscles and also acts as a stimulus to the immune system. The type of food that an individual eats decides the type of health conditions that he may suffer from. Therefore, a healthy diet is very essential in order to lead a healthy life.
There are certain foods that one should consume more than the others depending upon his health conditions. For instance, some foods contain higher amount of vitamin A and hence should be consumed more often while some contain high quantity of Vitamin B and hence should be consumed twice or thrice a day. Similarly, certain foods are rich in fiber and hence should be consumed more often than others, especially for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems or other disorders related to digestion. It has been found that people with diabetic conditions are advised to consume food rich in carbohydrates, whereas those people having hyperactive bowel syndrome should consume food that absorbs water and is low in carbohydrate content. It has also been found that people suffering from cancer should consume food rich in antioxidants, while those who have other cardio-vascular diseases should consume food that has a high fiber content.
The food habits and eating habits of people have undergone tremendous change over the years and they are now eating foods that are nutritionally balanced. This has led to a drastic change in the level of nutrition and nutrients required by the body. Thus, it is important to consume the right kinds of foods at the right time in order to keep one fit and strong. Diets based on western diets have caused a serious imbalance in the level of nutrition and nutrients required by the body, leading to many health issues and diseases like obesity, immune system disorder, chronic fatigue, infertility, cardiac disorders, osteoporosis and other such diseases. In order to maintain optimum health, it is important to follow a well balanced diet, free from any kind of nutritional deficiencies and take necessary precautions regarding the intake of food.